GP Guru Level Up: Episode 1 - How to use a macro to process 300+ NSF in Dynamics GP in minutes
Out of the 13,000 records we drafted there were 300+ transactions with No Sufficient Fund (NSF) or bank account was not yet ready to be drafted. In this video I will show you how to create a macro to save you time and energy in processing NSF in Dynamics GP. Here is the NSF macro template for future use: # DEXVERSION=18.00.0021.000 2 2 CheckActiveWin dictionary 'default' form 'RM_Misc_Transaction' window 'RM_Misc_Transaction' TypeTo field 'Customer Number' , '09728003SA' MoveTo field 'Document Type' item 1 # 'Sales / Invoices' ClickHit field 'Document Type' item 7 # 'Payments' MoveTo field '(L) Document Number' TypeTo field '(L) Document Number' , 'PYMNT000000343441' MoveTo field 'Void Date' TypeTo field 'Void Date' , '01262022' MoveTo field 'GL Posting Date' MoveTo field '(L) NSF Button' ClickHit field '(L) NSF Button...