Extract Journal Entries for Auditors using SQL Query
Twice a year, I receive a request to extract Journal Entries for Auditors. It could have been done using the Smartlist in Dynamics GP but my End Users didn't want to use it because it is time consuming on their end. We extract into two sets: January to August and then October to December once they are done with closing their books. Until today, I'm still using the SQL scripts below and extract the data into Excel. OPEN YEAR select A.OPENYEAR 'Year', TRXDATE 'Trx_Date', ORPSTDDT 'Originating_Posted_Date', A.JRNENTRY 'Journal_Entry', A.RCTRXSEQ 'Recurring_Trx_Sequence', ORTRXSRC 'Originating_TRX_Source', A.SOURCDOC 'Source Document', A.REFRENCE 'Reference', ORMSTRID 'Originating_Master_ID', ...